Probiotics vs. plastic in the human body and an anti-cancer diet

Probiotics – bacteria found in fermented foods such as yoghourt, sauerkraut, cucumbers and kimchi – not only support the human immune system and alleviate gastrointestinal problems, inflammation and allergies, but they can also probably help fight microplastics that have entered our bodies. According to research by Iranian and Chinese scientists, probiotics can partially reduce the toxic impact of plastics on the human gastrointestinal system and alleviate the inflammation they cause.

A team of scientists from the University of Texas at El Paso discovered that carbon nanoparticles (so-called carbon quantum dots, CACQDs) contained in caffeic acid obtained from coffee grounds can protect brain cells against damage caused by several neurodegenerative diseases. It happens when the condition is caused by obesity, ageing, pesticide exposure and other toxic environmental chemicals. CACQDs have a neuroprotective effect, can remove free radicals, prevent the damage they cause, and inhibit the assembly of amyloid protein fragments.

What products should be added to the diet to reduce cancer risk? Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage are a rich source of isothiocyanates. Other foods include tomatoes and tomato-based products, beans and other legumes, garlic, nuts, and walnuts. Fleshy fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, pomegranates and raspberries are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.

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